Wanna take it for a whirl? No problem!
Nodelocks are the easiest, just download the plugin, then send us the error you get when you try and load it from the plugin manager.
No need to install the RLM license server software.
The error will appear in the script editor, and looks like this :
(you'll have to open the script editor window)
// Error: LBRUSH: Can not find a license <host=batman b8ac6f3fdeab> //
// Error: LBRUSH: version 6.0v35 for Maya 2014 (Linux x64) //
// Error: line 1: initializePlugin function failed (lbrushNode) //
We do actually need both those 1st lines, for a couple reasons, first of all, the host info, but we also need version and platform info, because instructions for what you need to do with the key are different for different platforms, so if you need help it saves time to know that info upfront.
But the most important thing is to put "Lbrush Temp key" in the subject of the mail And tell us a bit about what you're trying to do in your mail, we might have some pointers.
Send the key request to 'sales@joealter.com'
You'll need to create an empty folder :
(for windows) - c:/rlm
(for apple) - /Users/Shared/rlm
(for linux) - /usr/local/rlm
We'll send you back a key, just drop it in there and you'll be all set.
Floating license temps are available, but that's a whole different process and is usually a few more back and fourths, just write us a note.
Things can get busy around here, writing temp keys often gets back seated (as a task), so if you don't hear back feel free to write again and remind us if you think we have forgotten about it, but please be patient.